Boileau Formula for Calculating Body Fat Percentage

The Boileau equation is a body fat percentage equation mainly used for athletic youth males and females (ages 6-18) that uses just 2 skinfold sites.

Boileau Equation Measurement Sites

  • Tríceps
  • Subescapular
Click here for the calculator

What is the ideal body fat percentage for men and women?

Boileau Body Fat Percentage Equation for Men

Measure the following skinfolds (in millimeters) with a skinfold caliper: Tríceps and Subescapular

Percentage of Body Fat (%) = 1.35 x (triceps + subscapular skinfolds) – 0.012 x (triceps + subscapular skinfolds)2 – X

X = 3.4 (6 to 11 years old); 4.4 (12 to 14 years old); 5.4 (15 to 17 years old)

Boileau Body Fat Percentage Equation for Women

Measure the following skinfolds (in millimeters) with a skinfold caliper: Tríceps and Subescapular

Percentage of Body Fat (%) = 1.35 x (triceps + subscapular skinfolds) – 0.012 x (triceps + subscapular skinfolds)2 – X

X = 1.4 (6 to 10 years old); 2.4 (11 to 13 years old); 3.4 (14 to 15 years old); 4.0 (16 to 18 years old)